Last Updated: Monday, 4 December 2006, 21:11 GMT
Police buy in town horse patrols
South Wales Police is the only Welsh force with a mounted section
North Wales Police have bought in two police horses and mounted officers from Merseyside to patrol the streets in the run-up to Christmas.The force said it would "complement" the patrols of its own officers.
The first patrol was in Colwyn Bay and its town centre manager hoped their "highly visible" presence would help in the crackdown on anti-social behaviour.
Chief constable Richard Brunstrom has said he would like his force to have its own mounted section.
The first patrol was until late evening on Monday.
They will be in Wrexham on Wednesday and will be used elsewhere in the force area in the next three weeks.
Each shift costs the North Wales Police £1,300, which covers the two horses, two constables and their travel costs from Merseyside.
Supt Barry Jones of North Wales Police's central division said: "Horses are used widely and regularly by the force and this year we have decided to incorporate them as part of a planned operation which will be active in December.
"The operation aims to enable people to enjoy the Christmas period without becoming concerned about the small minority who want to spoil the festivities for others."
Ingrid Lewis, the town centre manager in Colwyn Bay, said having mounted police visiting the seaside town was a "wonderful idea".
"They not only reassure shoppers but they look good as well, it's a fantastic idea."
Ms Lewis added the use of police horses was best kept for "high days and holidays" however.
"Liverpool is so close to us it would make sense to buy them in as and when they were needed," she said.
Colwyn Bay did not have more problems than other areas but having the mounted police there re-enforced the message that anti-social behaviour was not welcomed, Ms Lewis added. |
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